Reliable overall concept
In addition to flexibility, process reliability plays a major role for the mechanical engineering firm, which tries to avoid errors through standardisation, simulation and control measurements. The C 42 U checks tool lengths and the workpiece position automatically prior to machining. "If something is wrong, the pallet is blocked and exchanged for another job," explains Production Manager Christian Wensing. "Additional measurement cycles may take time, but they guarantee safety and precision. And this is extremely important to us," Horstmann emphasises.
Even though the subject of automation is a relatively new one at Horstmann, Wensing knows how to make extensive use of the possibilities Hermle provides for the C 42 U. "We receive the production times, fully automated, straight from the machine into the ERP system. This allows us to utilise the machine perfectly." The optional control tool HIMS (Hermle "Information Monitoring System") displays the live status of the machine and sends events via e-mail. Just a few months after commissioning, the machining centre is already operating at up to 90 percent capacity for 16 hours a day. This success can also be attributed to the support provided by Hermle. "The service is a convincing unique selling point," Klaus Horstmann says in praise of the cooperation. "And we've been able to bring many of our visions to life through this project."