Machining centre C 32 GEN2

The C 32 GEN2 machining centre is able to workpieces weighing up to 1000 kg and cutting is undertaken in five axes simultaneously.

The machining centre mills even difficult-to-machine materials in record time and with perfect precision – even fully automated and always with unbeatable operating comfort! The range of applications for the C 32 GEN2 is extensive. The C 32 GEN2 machining centre has two axes in the workpiece and three axes in the tool. Dynamic positioning, short non-productive periods and secure holding in the desired machining position all go without saying. As does the very large working area in relation to the installation space. During this change process, the mechanics, which is fundamental to the precision and long-term accuracy of HERMLE products, was not altered. The key values of the machine remain exceptionally high, thereby clearly reaffirming its dominance in the field of 5-axis technology.

Numerous software and hardware components now feature cutting-edge technology. The entire electrical architecture has been revamped to incorporate ProfiNet as the communication bus, while a significant number of the sensors have been converted to IO Link (international standard). Furthermore, the entire drive network of Heidenhain machines has been revised and equipped with the latest generation of converters. These are all components that make the machines even more efficient. The entire platform introduces new technologies and functions, including cutting-edge interface technology and evaluation/diagnostic capabilities for enhanced service analysis in case of errors.

Energy efficiency in manufacturing and operation

HERMLE manufactures many components using lightweight construction and mineral casting technology. The high degree of own production, local suppliers and components with high efficiency factors also promote energy efficiency. Energy recuperation, high-quality servo drives and the legendary long service lives are all proof of the same high standards during actual operation.

Technical Data


  • Traverse path:  650 x 650 x 500 mm
  • Body:  Ø 650 / H 420 mm
  • Collision circle:  Ø 840 mm
  • Vertical table clearance:  600 / 635 mm


  • Rotational speed: 15000/16000/20000/25000/42000 1/min
  • Rapid traverse linear X-Y-Z : 45 (60)–45 (60)–40 (60) m/min.
  • Swivelling rotary table: Ø 650 x 540 mm
  • Max. table loading: 1000 kg


C 32 | 5-axis technology | Heavy-duty machining

HERMLE C 32 Udynamic in 5-axis version, heavy-duty machining in material Toolox 33

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C 32 | Production technology | Steering knuckle

HERMLE C 32 U dynamic in 5-axis version, machining a steering knuckle in 1.4305 for production technology

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C 32 | Tool and mould making | Pipe die

HERMLE C 32 U dynamic in 5-axis version, machining a pipe die in 1.2343 for tool and mould making, 5-axis radial machining of pipe ducts.

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  • Chip drawer
  • Chip conveyor
  • Chip conveyor with internal cooling lubricant supply ICS 40
  • Chip conveyor with internal cooling lubricant supply ICS 80 and temperature controller

HERMLE machining centre C 32 GEN2 completely individual.

HERMLE offers you a wide range of options so that you can adapt the equipment of your HERMLE machining centre to your individual requirements.

It goes without saying that you will receive perfectly integrated systems and additions in which all elements are dovetailed, without friction or interface losses. Here are a few highlights:


Pallet changer and complex robotics

A wide range of automation solutions are available for the C 32 GEN2 machining centre. As well as HS flex and the RS 05, RS 2 and RS 3 robot systems. Up to three peripheral devices can be connected to the C 32 GEN2 in this way.

If required, the control tools HACS (“HERMLE Automation Control System”) and HIMS (“HERMLE Information Management System”) can be used to facilitate operation.

  • Handling system HS flex heavy
  • Robot system RS 2


  • C 32 - Steuerung: Bedienpult
  • Bearbeitungszentrum C 32 – Steuerung: Heidenhain

Heidenhain or Siemens

Heidenhain TNC 7 and SIEMENS SINUMERIK ONE– these are the two control systems which can be used with the C 32 GEN2. They feature a variety of configurations and functionalities – including tools for improving precision for rotary and swivel operations, shell transformation and transparent tool management.

Options such as Dynamic Efficiency, Dynamic Precision or the Kinematic Opt. software also serve to widen the range of functions.

User reports

Der HERMLE Roboter bedient beide HERMLE-Bearbeitungszentren mit Bauteilen rund um die Uhr. Drei Regalspeichermodule mit Matrizen- und Palettenplätzen sowie Spannmittel- und Greiferplätzen sorgen für eine optimale Teilebereitstellung.

Flexibility thanks to robot automation

SWACRIT systems GmbH
Medical technology

SWACRIT systems GmbH specialises in the production of top-quality composite parts, mechatronic assemblies and high-precision mechanical components. To enhance productivity and efficiency, the high-tech company based in Tyrol, Austria, has invested in HERMLE's RS 1 robot automation solution, which enables the flexible and continuous manufacture of individual parts and components on pallets.

Mitarbeiter der SK TECHNOLOGY

Accurate to the nearest hair is not precise enough

SK Technology

SK TECHNOLOGY is formidable when it comes to precision. That’s the result of an awareness that minute subtleties are the difference between acceptance and rejection – and a stock of machinery that can withstand critical inspection down to the micrometre range. This is where Hermle succeeds. Six automated 5-axis machining centres allow the cutting expert to be really picky.

Von links: Manfred Pantel von der HPV Hermle Vertriebs GmbH mit Dr. Alexander Artmann, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der microart GmbH & Co. KG. Neben ihnen: Leitung Fräsen Hans Multerer, microart-Geschäftsführer Michael Kerscher sowie die Zerspanungstechniker Mario Schweiger, Simon Schafberger, Julian Piendl.

Digitalisation: the foundation for automation

Microart GmbH & Co. KG
Contract manufacturing

High variance and different batch sizes can cause many a contract manufacturer to panic – but not microart. The manufacturer of complex precision parts creates digital structures, which it combines with automated 5-axis machining centres from Hermle. The result: efficient milling with flexible capacity.

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