New, ultra-modern sheet metal production facility at its installation location in Zimmern o.R.
Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG invests €15 m in new, ultra-modern sheet metal production facility at its installation location in Zimmern o.R.
[Translate to English:] Shows the existing mineral casting foundry of Hermle AG in Zimmern o.R -
[Translate to English:] (from left to right) Groundbreaking ceremony at Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG in Zimmern o.R. Carmen Merz (Mayor of Zimmern o.R.), Benedikt Hermle (Board Member Hermle AG), Dr Wolf-Rüdiger Michel (District Administrator of Rottweil), Günther Posselt (Deputy Lord Mayor of Rottweil), Steffen Weiß (Civil Engineer Hermle AG), Georg Weber (Head of Production Hermle AG), Franz-Xaver Bernhard (Board Member Hermle AG), Michael Frey (Partner of Architects Schmelzle & Partner), Heiko Gutekunst (Economic Developer), Klaus Flaig (Project Manager of Architects Schmelzle & Partner), Sonja Walter (Walter KG)
Gosheim, 5 November 2019 - The groundbreaking ceremony on 5 November 2019 marked the beginning of building work on Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG’s new, ultra-modern sheet metal production facility complete with office complex. Hermle AG has been manufacturing its mineral casting beds and various other components at the Inkom-Südwest industrial and commercial estate in Zimmern o.R. since 2016. A new production facility with an office complex and a connecting building (cold hall) is now being constructed on the four-hectare site.
Production of the ever-larger components for machine and automation component enclosures as well as a general increase in capacity are no longer guaranteed at the current sheet metal production facility at the installation location in Gosheim. Zimmern o.R. offers the ideal infrastructure, including a direct link to the motorway network and the existing plot.
At the heart of the planned sheet metal production facility are fully-automatic laser-punch presses and a high rack system for a wide variety of sheet metal panels. Large sheet metal panels - which differ in terms of their thickness, dimensions and applied materials, e.g. stainless steel, steel, aluminium etc. - can be stored in the high rack system. The entire sheet metal forming and welding sector will also be incorporated into the new facility. An adjoining office complex offers state-of-the-art workplaces for design, programming and production planning staff. A total of 45 people will be employed at the new sheet metal production facility, which is scheduled to start production at the end of 2020.
The cold hall is designed to accommodate the entire logistics business for the sheet metal and cast iron sectors at the installation location in Zimmern o.R.
Some facts about the new production facility:
Production facility (dimensions)
Area approx. 7,412 m2
Top soil (humus) approx. 2,500 m3
Excavation approx. 50,000 m3 (approx. 120,000 t)
Contact details for journalists/editors:
Maschinenfabrik Berthold HERMLE AG / Marketing Department / Email: / Phone +49 (0)7426 95-0