The HERMLE team realised many years ago that service is more than just a friendly, yet uninformed, voice in a call centre. For this reason, we have continuously and purposefully expanded our range of services over the years and will continue to do so. Spare part supply within a few hours for new or old models, rapid assistance from our service team and extremely practical training programs are as self-evident to us as sales consulting where it is needed most.
We take your concerns seriously and do everything we can to ensure your machine is up and running again – through on-site assistance, remote maintenance or hotline support. We aim to solve your problems as quickly as possible with repairs and service. To ensure satisfied customers become enthusiastic partners. This goal is reflected in our daily work: HERMLE Service is the industry benchmark – this is recognised by customers, the press and even our competitors.
The commitment of HERMLE to service excellence is exemplified by its state-of-the-art service centre in Gosheim. It is the place where it all comes together, facilitating seamless coordination and cross-departmental collaboration.